School routines guide students through their day. Many students with autism abide by strict routines in their daily life. Below are a social stories that teach students about school routines.
At school (PPT 526KB) goes over positive behaviours that a student should exhibit at school. These behaviours include raising their hands to speak, letting one person speak at a time and anticipating that sometimes there may be more than one teacher.
Image: Good things to do at school
'Assembly' shows students what behaviours are appropriate for school assembly, including clapping, listening and sitting.
Casual teacher (PPTX 233KB) lets students know that sometimes there may be a different teacher in charge of the class when their normal teacher is absent. This presentation reinforces that the casual teacher may do things differently than the normal teacher, but the casual teacher must be listened to either way.
Image: Casual teacher
Computer time (PPTX 278KB) goes over when a student may use the computer. This social story explains how a student may feel when they are not allowed to use the computer, and what behaviour is not appropriate when they are upset by this.
Image: When can I use the computer?
Cooking in a kitchen (DOCX 62KB) shows expected behaviours for if students cook in the kitchen together. These behaviours include preparing and cooking food, being quiet and smiling.
Image: Cooking in a kitchen
Excursion (PPTX 66KB) prepares students for excursions by outlining the details of the day: where they are going, for how long, how they are getting there and so forth.
Image: Excursion
Healthy Harold (DOCX 157KB) is an example of a social story about a specific excursion to visit Healthy Harold.
Image: Healthy Harold
Theatre excursion (DOCX 202KB) is another example of an excursion students may go on, to the theatre. It prepares the student for the excursion and goes over rules about going to the theatre.
Image: Theatre excursion
Shopping (DOCX 619KB) is a social story geared toward students going on a group shopping trip. It explains why they are going, when they are going and how they are getting there.
Image: Shopping
Library day (PPTX 2MB) is a social story about Library Day. It explains the purpose of library day and encourages positive behaviours.
Image: Library day
Line up (PPTX 103KB) is a social story that explains to students how to best behave when they need to line up throughout the day.
Walk calmly (PPTX 111KB) teaches students why walking calmly through the school is important to their safety. It also encourages students to keep their voices low and walk with their hands at their sides.
Image: How to walk calmly
Lockdown drill (DOCX 215KB) explains school procedures related to lockdown drills. Lockdown drills can be a very intense sensory experience, so preparing students for them is vital.
Image: Lockdown drill
Lunchtime (PPTX 103KB) includes the different parts of the daily lunchtime routine, including the different sensory experiences that may happen.
Image: Lunch time
Storytime (PPTX 113KB) explains positive behaviours to do during story time, including sitting with their legs crossed, listening and looking at the pictures in the book.
Playing (PPTX 118KB) teaches students how to behave when other students do not want to play with them.
Image: I want to play too
Image: I want to play senior
Image: What to do when others don't want to play with me
Being a good sport (PPTX 98KB) explains good sportsmanship on the playground and during class. It tells students to say 'well done' when they lose and to keep to the rules.
Image: Being a good sport
Playtime (PPTX 111KB) goes over the different parts of the playtime routine and positive behaviours associated with it.
Image: Playtimes
Some students with autism may have a hard time communicating when they need to use the toilet. Alex toileting book (PUB 161KB) is a visual to help students know how to best communicate when they need to go.
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