Supporting students with autism spectrum disorder

Evidence-based strategies to help students with autism spectrum disorder

Telephone02 6947 2164

Profile & Programming

Taking time to fill in the following forms will be most helpful for the staff working with the student. It is recommended the forms are completed at the end of the year or any change over of staff throughout the year.

Programming for students with autism spectrum disorder

Please copy the Programming for students with autism spectrum disorder (DOC 95KB) and have all relevant people complete it. The relevant people include teachers, teacher aides, specialist teachers and/or parents.

The programming covers:

  • Section 1 - Academic
  • Section 2 - Behavioural
  • Section 3 - Communication
  • Section 4 - Social skills
  • Section 5 - General.

Autism planning matrix

Use the Autism planning matrix (DOC 87KB) to help track your student's individual progress and needs.